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- Charles E. Butler
A Abba's Apocalypse Page 3
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Page 3
I return walking robotically and unemotional as possible passing the hidden body of Dave below in the bushes. I continue staring out of the corner of my eyes that
lock onto her black empty ones. Her direction influences my direction of travel. My blank stare seems long enough to convince her I am LD too. I think, “If she only knew how scared I really am?” My head snaps from my sideward glance forward to what lay ahead. I can feel her stare as my inner consciences says, “Continue on, and don’t fear.” I’ve made it a block without any alarm. I turn the corner and proceed to duck and cover behind some bushes. I see Dave dodging, observing, and covering as he makes his way to up to my location. I see that the sun is almost completely down while waiting for Dave to catch up. I reinsure my confidence by realizing it’s only one block more till we’re home.
Most of the debris filling the streets has been cleaned off the streets the last year. That use to help hide us as we’d travel back and forth to “T”. It’s getting much harder now to maneuver without getting caught. We make it to my house and sneak onto my property. Its abandon appearance has so far kept “Trinity” agents and the LD away. I hope no one noticed that the window was open. The last thing I want is to raise any suspicion. I crawl up the side of the house first, and then through the window. I view the perimeter and wave Dave up. We slide the plywood back in place and secure it.
We’re finally in for the night. Dave snaps and shakes the green glowing light into a “glow stick” then hooks it on a wire that I impaled in the middle of my front room floor. The wire sticks up about a foot and is shielded 180 degrees. It only gives its green glow inwards, producing just enough light to read a little before sleeping, or to light my escape route-just in case. Dave looks at me and whispers “Thanks brother.” Feeling safe, he rolls over and slowly drifts off to a better place.
I remove a blanket from my upstairs bed and return to cover Dave. I take the glow stick and check the damage he caused to my back door. I then secure it temporarily by forcing a chair under the knob, and then sliding it tightly against the door. I return to my bedroom while whispering a
prayer of protection over this house, and on us.
I sit on my bed shaking my head in disbelief. Why didn’t I believe? Why didn’t I at least research it? Everyone I love disappeared that day. My momma and sis invited me to share in their faith, but I refused to be indoctrinated. I don’t want some set of rules condemning everything I do. I refused to know their compassion as they tried over and over throughout the years. They’d always end each conversation with, “I’ll pray God reveals His love to you,” or a simple, “God bless you Joey.” I weep now every night before retiring. “Thank you God for your revelation, and answering the prayers of my momma and sis.” They both went in the great snatching away.
I now know the truth. Not only do I know it, but I feel it. I open my Bible to read a chapter as I do twice a day. I’m starting in the book of “Titus” tonight. I try memorizing a verse a day. It is like soul food that provides protection. It answers every question I can come up with. It is not about a list of rules no one can follow. It’s about the love of God. It’s about a relationship with God. It’s about accepting the gift of God by just saying, “I need you in my life Jesus.” These words won’t make you perfect. These words just make you forgiven. Then, God’s Holy Spirit (His helper) fills you. No evil can enter the house where God dwells. I am protected and have peace amidst all my fears. I am eternally forgiven and eternally loved by my Abba, my daddy. My eyes grow heavy as my hearing grows more alert. I mumble thanksgiving to my creator and ask for blessings while dozing off.
Immediately, my bedroom floor rumbles as I sink into my bed. Invisible arms start pulling me down through my mattress. I try wrestling them off me, but there’s nothing
grab. Their amazing strength squeezes the life from me, and their evil presence crushes the faith right out of me. I do the only thing I can do. I cry out “Jesus.” These arms release me as the enormous weight of their evil presence pushes me through my bed, through my house, and through the ground below.
My heart melts in its abandonment as I fall through this endless despairing darkness. I slam to a stop shattering every one of my bones into pieces. The pain is so immense I think I never wanted to die so much. It’s beyond description. The extreme cold of loneliness and helplessness battles the ferocious heat for possession of my eternal soul. My eyes swim through my tears as they fearfully move up to see that warning plaguing me. The sign slowly swings as it creeks a hideous song of captivity. It whispers with a multitude of voices over and over the hopelessness of this place. All my senses are perfected here. Every one of them feels, taste, and hears everything dripping from this awful place. Every one of them is warning me the “Relentless” come to tear me apart.
They draw nearer as I pry my heavy head up. The pain and depressing gravity seems to have glued my sizzling broken body to the jagged iron floor. I see their glowing eyes and feel their thirsty presence surrounding me. I draw in as much of this poisonous air as my hurting lungs will allow me, and in one last futile attempt I exhale “Jesus.” I now surrender myself to the hopelessness of Hell.
The nature of the approaching snarling creatures’ suddenly changes. Their swiping claws turn to defend their gruesome faces as their heads jet upward. It’s not my body’s feast that centers their attention, but what their senses are screaming to them what is coming down. I am so, so thankful for the momentary reprieve from my intense throbbing. The shout of his name magically numbs me. My eyes drown me with hopeless tears that soak every aspiration in my heart. I am poured out and spent with fear as I lay prostrate in pain.
I hear the “Relentless” cry out in agony as their screams chase after their hasty retreat. The malevolent hand squeezing
my heart suddenly lets go. The heaviness jumps off of me which confuses me. Something comes that must be more wicked. I am surely cursed.
I stare up and see a prickle of light. It releases a sparkle
that showers down the greatest feeling I’ve ever felt. I feel its
hope. Its bright light overwhelms my eyes. This wonderful joy is beyond my imagination. I just want more of it. I’m totally blinded as this light blankets me, and then it starts slowly filling everything, and flowing everywhere. I continue to stare through my blindness, at its hypnotic origin. I can’t see anything, but its peace is moving closer and closer. All of a sudden, I am totally and emphatically over taken. I hear these words bellow with the power that shakes the very foundation of Hell. “He’s mine!”
My heart, oh my heart has returned me. I can’t speak now.....! I can’t talk now....!
My tears reverse their flow and stream out of me. Each one carries the gratitude of my heart. All this love over taking me is..., is..., tremendously magnificently perfect. I feel my worthlessness compared to the admiration the approaching entity somehow feels towards me. All I want is more as I babble and tremble out my simple worthlessness. “You are not worthless my son, you are one of my special jewels.” He wraps His warm adoring arms around this frail and broken body as I weep, “Abba, daddy.” He scoops me ever so gently. His touch spontaneously heals every one of my ailments. His overwhelming perfect love for me is unbearable. I feel 10,000 times beyond wonderful.
We rise softly while He stares down. I feel His emotion as He holds me securely in His embrace. Our hearts share the pity His heart feels for all those hopeless eternal souls we forever leave behind. He speaks to me as we jet away, “I bring you to a place of true wonder. I am bringing you home son.” My spirit adjusts to His embrace as it composes many
questions. I feel His strong absolute power scaring me into absolute submission. “Oh my dear, I know your thoughts.
Don’t worry my child. I truly love you and will protect you forever. We travel now beyond my universe. What you see
between us and the distant galaxies are moments in time you have experienced.” In this vision it’s like I’m watching a
movie playing over a celestial movie screen. I see a backdrop
of galaxies, nebula, and wonderful amazing colors swishing by. There are all types of objects stirring about, with infinite shapes and sizes. Over this background a moment from my past begins to play out.
I am five years old watching my little friend Samantha from my front yard. Her kitty was just run over by a passing car. I stare as she frantically tries summoning her kitty from the curbside, but it just lays there motionless bleeding in the middle of the street. I hear her cry and call out to him. I don’t know how to help her as she stands all alone sobbing. I do the only thing I can think of. I walk over to her side and place my little arm around her. I tell Sammy, “Don’t cry. He’s in heaven now.” Oh, the compassion in this moment. Oh, the sorrow we share.
I see another, another, and still another instance come alive. It’s every moment of my life playing simultaneously. I clearly see, completely feel, and thoroughly comprehend every revealing bit. Suddenly, all the visions vanish. I now see just my dear sweet grey hair momma. She is kneeling while praying a bedtime prayer. Now, I begin hearing all her prayers flooding over me as she pleads the same prayer night after night. All her rushing voices suddenly disappear. I now listen to their essences sum up in this one heartfelt request. She sweetly asks Jesus to come save me-her little boy. I want to weep, but I cannot. God’s immense love for me won’t allow it. I now see my sis and all the times I shunned her invitations to accept Jesus.
As this movie continues, I see many more moments of my rebellious life flutter by. I just feel sorrow for the way I lived, and how I treated all those whom really love me. In the midst, Jesus opens His hand while extending His arm, and
then swishes it side to side. “Joey, those rebellious moments are remembered no more. They were forgotten the instant you
welcomed me in to your heart. Now, you will remember them no more.” Instantly, the weighty burden is lifted. My sorrow
disappears as an invigorating freshness envelope me. I now
see and feel only His immense love, awestruck wonder, and captivating glory as we briskly leave this universe behind.
In a moment we stand facing each other. I find I’m staring into His compassionate eyes as He stares lovingly into mine. Suddenly, I feel life coming from the grass carpet I’m currently squishing between my toes. This immediately startles me! I begin hopping, trying not to hurt it. “It’s alive, it’s so alive!” I see His mouth form a gentle amusing smile. “Relax Joey and enjoy the grass. You will not hurt it. I created it. It adores your presents and desperately desires to embrace your feet. Stand upon it.” I rest without worry as its tickle wraps around my toes. In this moment I begin to notice the beautiful music coming from all around. A heavenly breeze usher an awesome sensation of sweet fresh flowers. All of a sudden I realize I can actually taste the nectar it’s producing just from its aroma. I stick my tongue out to catch as much of this delicacy as I can. My ears are lured back to the sweet charming music coming from every direction everywhere. I can’t see the source, but I know in my soul this music is devoted to worshiping Him. He answers before I even ask, “This is the beginning of Heaven. Everything overflows with my praise. The grass, the trees, the flowers, and every creature sing’s praises to me. This is even the yearning of your soul.” I discern that I do feel it singing choirs of quiet praises. I listen and giggle at my soul’s awesome joy. I begin to become aware of my senses. Each is intensely receptive. Each combines with the other’s function.
I can taste the sounds permeating my tongue. “Wow!” Each sound taste uniquely different. I can even taste the amazing tapestry of colors I feel all around. I look towards the sky and taste the difference between the fluffy whiteness and
the deepness of the blue. Each is so vibrant. It’s like I’m a baby experiencing everything for the first time. The flavors explode in my mouth. My new super vision allows me to see colors
beyond color, and things at incredible distances. I experience
each shade is a different morsel of ambrosia. I spread my arms
outward while leaning my head backwards in my attempt to soak in every new sensation. I have a second epiphany while using my new and improved senses. I can even taste the sky with my eyes. My senses are no longer independent of each other, but act as one large tongue lapping everything up. The sky is the bluest hue of blues, and its smell is like fresh picked blueberries. I can even feel its smooth sweet moist texture with my eyes. I gobble in each and every sensation my soul will devour. As I begin to notice having more than just my ordinary five senses, I hear Jesus speak, “I’ve brought you here for a reason Joey. It is to give you hope. It is to share this hope with those I will bring to you. It is to give you, and them, the strength to overcome the pain and horror you will face. Remember, I will never ever leave you, or forsake you. Your nightmares were given to you to warn those hardhearted. Some will only come to me through fear and despair. Use your nightmares as a warning of the eternal pain and suffering, and Heaven as their eternal reward. I will protect you from the reoccurring nightmares. They are no more.”
All of a sudden, I begin drifting away from Jesus. My heart cries out, “No, I won’t go back to that awful place! It’s full of fear and despair.” But, my heart also shouts submission to His will. “I will do whatever you ask me Abba. I know the importance of what you ask.” I feel His love carry with me, as His final words resound and slowly dissolve, “No man knows the wonders I have waiting for those whom truly love me.”
In a moment I am back in bed. The depression of this place over takes me, but a holy remnant of His glory shines through the plywood crack covering my window. This single golden beam’s warmth is giving me amazing new strength. I know my new mission and the reality of this past night. I can
only say, “Thank you Lord.” His awesome love empowers me to do what I have not before. This is to bring the message of salvation without reservation. I am not afraid anymore, for I know now that I am truly blessed.
Chapter 3: The Revelation
I am more rested than ever before. I close my eye lids while savoring the final moments of this night. I spread my arms basking in the knowledge I have a Heavenly home. The vacuum of this vision has brought home an adoring aroma that drifts around me. It’s like lying in a bed of sweet grass right after its cut, but better! I smell it wisp gently away under the vibrating footsteps climbing the stairs to my room. Dave drags along a familiar depressing odor. It’s the stench of realization now beginning to fill my bedroom.
I sit up to a slight tapping on my door. “Good morning sleepy head; looks like you had a good night’s rest. Did you hear the commotion early this morning? It sounded like it came from a few blocks away. I heard a girl screaming frantically as she was running away. Then, there was nothing. I peeked out the window to see if danger might be coming, but everything quieted down. I figured you were dead tired to sleep through all that, so I just let you sleep. Seems you needed it. I was up and down all night keeping an eye on things.” Dave ends his information bombardment long enough for me to squeeze in, “What a night!” Dave replies, “That’s what I’m saying buddy.” If he only knew!
I turn and sit facing him as the palms of my hands massage each of my eyes awake. My left hand continues this maneuver as my right hand pats my mattress welcoming Dave to come sit. My patting hand moves several times up then down while pointing to my bed. I command Dave “Come.” He sits knowing I have something important to say. My right hand now clasps my chin while I stare forward into space. “Dave, I had a revelation.” All his senses come to attention as they fix themselves on my next words. “I stood before God last night!” I feel funny after saying this. “It’s true, I was in Heaven. Jesus gave me a mission.” Under normal circumstances I’d expect him to think I’m some sort of “nut job.” These are not normal times though.
“I knew it, I knew there was a reason you didn’t wake up.” While still staring at the fixed point in space, I slowly nod my head up and dow
n. “There’s something He wants me to do that will change my life. It will change everything Dave.” He sits more attentive while leaning further forward. He places his hands on his knees while his face snaps toward mine. I tell him, “I’m scared Dave.” I sit motionless as he wraps his left arm over the top of my shoulders and tug several times, “That’s why I’m here buddy. I’m your buddy, right?” I force a small grin and say, “That’s affirmative.” Dave requests I give him all the details of what happened. “Later Dave, later,” I reply. I know in my heart he’s the guy I’d like to sit back to back with in battle. Even if we were faced with impossible odds; he would stay at my side. There’s no one alive I’d rather shake the pillars of Heaven with. But, I know in my soul I’ll be facing this mission alone. This is my cross to bear.
Our purpose was just to stay hidden and survive six days a week. It was to help others keep away from “Trinity’s” brand. It was to study the Bible learning what to expect is coming the next three years. That’s changed now. My mission is to spread His message. I have to give up my defensive position and attack the “high ground.” This is something I have to keep hidden inside me for now.
I suggest we go eat our daily meal. We make our way downstairs as I think how I must risk everything. I think about being caught and what the Demons will do to me. But, I feel the power of God touching me and quieting my impending fears. His spirit equips me with an arsenal of trust in the message found in the passages displayed at “T”. As we continue to the kitchen I’m given another weapon. My mind retrieves a verse my momma would say: “I can do all things, as long as God is with me.” I think now, “I can stand all things.” But, I realize there is one thing I can’t stand. It’s the thought of what will happen to Dave if something happens to me.